Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Role of Commandments

As I continue to study the words of King Benjamin in chapter two of Mosiah, I notice there is a pattern discussing following commandments. He teaches why we should follow them and how it will affect us if we do or do not follow the commandments. The first thing that I notice is that if we follow commandments we will prosper in the land “and that he never doth vary from that which he hath said.” Sure, there are many people who prosper in the land, but they are not following God’s commandments. How these people differ from those who do is that God doesn’t vary from the promises he gives; man does. When we rely on man for our prosperity, there is no guarantee. God may not give us prosperity the way we initially like or expect, but as we continue to follow Him he will bless.

King Benjamin gives the first reason that we should obey commandments: we are indebted to him because of our lives. Sometimes we would like to believe that because we can choose, we are all powerful. But the only reason we can choose is because we were granted that gift and God asks us to remember that and to follow Him. The second reason is that God will bless us. He says in verse 31, “ye shall prosper in the land, and your enemies shall have no power over you.” I wonder why it is that enemies won’t have power. Enemies will attack every aspect of your life: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. But we are guaranteed here that as long as we are following the commandments, we will not be left alone. For some, physical and mental struggles will always be a challenge, but as we do our part to overcome and live worthily, God will guide us.

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